Market Report – 5 May 2021

Total Yarding: 6,060

Rain in the supply area was one reason lamb numbers have fallen. The quality was again mixed with a few secondary lambs more suited to restockers and feeders along with a limited supply of trade weights. Heavy lambs 24kg to 27kg cwt were best supplied and there were a few good runs of Merinos. The market sold to a firm to cheaper trend.

Light second cross lambs to restocking orders $176 to $185/head. Heavier weights to feed and go onto crops reached $185/head. Trade lambs to 24kg were firm $172 to $191/head averaging 770c to 790c/kg cwt and trade Merino reached $184/head. The 24 to 26kg cwt lambs lost $3 selling from $186 to $207/head or 760c/kg on average. Lambs 26 to 30kg cwt slipped $4, ranging from $194 to $220/head or 730c/kg cwt on average. The few over 30kg cwt $210 to $226/head. The best prices hogget reached $221/head. First cross ewe lambs topped ay $260/head to a restocking order.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality varied. Most weights and grades were offered and prices lifted on limited numbers. Medium weight ewes $120 to long skinned Merinos reaching $174/head. Heavy crossbred ewes $21 to $225/head and Merinos reached $189/head. Most averaged around 660c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Andrew & Maria Temple, Bigga sold 7 XB Lambs with Delta Agribusiness for $196ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb – 5 May 2021.
