Prime Lamb & Sheep
Total Yarding: 15,864
Lamb numbers doubled and there were 4400 new season lambs penned. The quality of the new season lambs was mixed with several very large drafts of store lambs along with some good trade and heavy weights. Old lambs were still mixed and had some good trade and heavy weights penned alongside lambs that were lacking condition and cover. Merino lambs were also better supplied. The market trend was cheaper.
New season store lambs sold from $53 to $143/head. Trade weights to 24kg cwt were $7 to $8 cheaper ranging from $143 to $178/head averaging 750c to 800c/kg cwt. Heavy weights slipped $5 and sold from $187 to $213/head.
Old trade lambs to 24kg were $13 to $14 cheaper and ranged from $130 to $176/head. The 24 to 26kg lambs sold from $175 to $178 and heavy weights to 30kg $161 to $191/head. Extra heavy lambs were $6 cheaper selling from $194 to $207/head. Merino trade weights $115 to $145/head.
Mutton numbers also lifted and the quality was good with plenty of heavy and extra heavy mutton on offer. Prices were cheaper on the medium weights by up to $19/head while the heavy weights were firm to $2 dearer. Medium weight ewes $86 to $120/head. Heavy crossbred ewes $132 to $160 and Merino ewes reached $148/head. The heavy end of the Merino wethers topped at $145/head.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Download full market report here.
Photo: 159 XB Suckers sold to a top of $187ph by Kevin Miller, Whitty, Lennon & Co on behalf of R&D Levett, Young.