Market Report – 5 October 2023

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding:  214

Rain dampened the supply and the quality was plainer with a lack of condition through the young cattle. There was a good run of grown steers and only a few grown heifers and 38 mixed quality cows. Not all the usual buyers operated and with limited numbers in each category and the plainer quality young cattle which mostly sold to restockers and a few to the feeders were cheaper while the export run was firm to dearer.

A heavy butcher vealer reached 145c/kg. Feeder steers ranged from 142c to 155c and restocking steers 100c to 144c with a heavy weight steers reached 158c/kg. Restocking heifers started at 30c for the very plain and reached 111c/kg. The only prime cattle were heifers and they sold from 160c to 190c/kg.

The run of grown steers were firm ranging from 182c to 230c/kg and cows lifted 10c to 12c selling from 105c to 122c for the medium weights and 122c to 145c/kg on the heavy cows.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 5 Murray Grey X Steers sold for 230c/kg, ave 609kg, $1401ph by AgStock on behalf of C&N Luff.
