Market Report – 5 September

Total Yarding: 9496

Lamb numbers eased and the quality was plainer. 750 new season lambs were offered and most were light trade weights or lighter. There were some trade and heavy new season lambs, but they were limited. Old lambs were very mixed in quality and sold accordingly.

New season lambs to restock sold from $48 to $130/head. Trade weights sold from $196 to $218/head, averaging 855c to 910c/kg cwt.

Old 2 score processing lambs were $8 cheaper to make from $81 to $114/head. Medium and heavy trade weights sold from $142 to $195/head and heavy 4 scores made $184 to extra heavy lambs at $296/head. Merino lambs sold to $171/head averaging 620c/kg cwt.

Mutton numbers increased and contained plenty of large drafts of shorn sheep. Medium weights sold to similar rates, while the heavy sheep were $9 to $10/head cheaper. Medium weight ewes sold from $87 to $123/head. Heavy crossbreds made from $136 to $160/head. Heavy Merino wethers sold from $140 to $160/head. Carcass prices averaged between 460c and 500c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: A&B McRae topped today’s sale with this pen of XB Lambs sold by Elders for $296 ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb Sale – 5 September 2018.
