Market Report – 7 July 2021

Total Yarding: 8,604

Lamb numbers increased and the quality was mostly good with a few lambs lacking the desired finished most buyers want. Trade and heavy lambs were well supplied and there was a very good run of extra heavy lambs. Merino trade weights were also better supplied. The market sold to a dearer trend.

New season lambs returning to the paddock sold to $139/head. Medium and heavy trade lambs to 24kg were $10 to $13 dearer selling from $182 to $213/head to average 840c/kg cwt. The 24 to 26kg lambs were $3 to $7 stronger, making from $204 to $225/head or 820c/kg cwt on average. The heavy lambs weighing 26 to 30kg gained $6 and ranged from $220 to $246, while the extra heavy lambs topped at $288/head. Merino trade weights sold $12 dearer on better quality and ranged from $150 to $187/head to average 780c/kg cwt.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality was good with prices lifting from $5 to $10/head. Medium weight ewes sold from $139 to $188 and heavy crossbred ewes made from $200 to $250/head. Merino ewes to a restocker reached $244 and Dorpers made to $278/head. Merino wethers made to $235 and crossbred wethers made to a top of $246/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Box Hills Partnership, Crookwell sold 42 XB Ewes with MD & JJ Anderson for $250ph.

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