Market Report – 7 July 2022

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding: 246

Numbers dipped and the quality was fair. There were good numbers of weaners, nearly half of the yarding. Yearlings were limited for both feed and trade orders and there was a good run of bullocks. Nearly 30 cows were offered. Young cattle sold to a cheaper trend while the few export cattle were dearer.

Weaner steers sold from 495c to 530c and heifers 460c to 525c/kg. Vealers sold to 555c/kg. The few feeder steers ranged from 460c to 550c/kg and heifers 400c to 462c/kg. Trade steers sold to 440c for medium and heavy weights.

The run of bullocks received 382c to 442c and the best of the heavy grown heifers reached 370c/kg. The very limited number of cows lifted 10c to 15c with the heavy portion 300c to 330c/kg. The 2 score cows ranged from 295c to 316c/kg and were purchased by restockers.

Photo: 11 Angus X Steers sold for 442.2c/kg, ave 618.2kg, $2734ph by Elders on behalf of M&C Walker.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.
