Market Report – 8 July 2021

Total Yarding: 516

It was a larger and better quality yarding. There was a bigger run of heavy unweaned calves. Good numbers of heavy yearling steers and heifers were in short supply and only limited numbers of grown cattle. There was another good run of heavy cows. The market sold to much stronger trends.

Heavy butcher vealers gained 25c and ranged from 496c to 540c and restockers paid to 594c for light steers and 606c/kg for the heifers. Medium weight feeder steers were up 40c, selling from 527c to 560c and heavy weights gained 25c, ranging between 410c and 509c/kg for the lighter weights. Feeder heifers were limited and sold from 420c to 460c/kg. Trade steers were firm to 3c dearer at 460c to 508c and the heifers 440c to 468c/kg.

Grown steers and bullocks lifted 20c ranging from 360c to 446c/kg depending on age. Heifers gained at similar rates selling from 380c to 410c/kg. Cows were firm to 2c softer on average, with the medium weights 260c to 315c and heavy 3 and 4 score cows 295c to 343c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: 11 Murray Grey Steers sold by Edbert Partnership, Wee Jasper through Delta Livestock for 540.2c/kg, ave 294.1kg, $1589ph.

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