Market Report – 8 November 2023

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 15,469

Lamb numbers dropped and include 5000 new season lambs. New season lambs quality varied with plenty of lambs starting to dry in the skin and lacking cover. Prime lambs were limited. Old lambs were mostly heavy trades or heavier and there was a good run of Merinos. A larger buying group was operating but were selective on the drier lambs and had strong competition on the fresher lambs.

2 score lambs to 18kg cwt sold from $38 to $67/head and eased $5 to $10/head. Trade weights were mostly firm with the heavy trades $95 to $112/head averaging 440c/kg but sold upto 465c/kg on the better lines. Heavy weights ranged from $108 to $124 averaging 465c/kg and those over 26kg reached $138/head.

Old 2 score processing lambs sold from $22 to $58/head. Medium and heavy trades were $4 to $6 softer, $62 to $89/head and heavy weights were $10 cheaper with sporadic competition and sold to $130/head. Merino lambs lifted $8 and heavy trades reached $99/head. The best priced hogget reached $72/head.

Mutton numbers lifted and the quality was mostly good but prices were back $5 to $6/head. medium weight ewes sold from $14 to $36/head. Heavy crossbred ewes reached $51 and Merino wethers $58/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 21 XB Suckers sold for $138ph by Nutrien Livestock on behalf of L&K Williams.
