Market Report – 9 August 2023

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 10,954

Lamb numbers lifted and the quality remains mixed but there was an increase in well finished heavy weights. Secondary lambs made up the bulk of the yarding and there were several larger drafts of light Merino lambs. The market eased $2 to $6 on the better finished trade and heavy weight lambs while secondary lambs were hit hard falling $15/head. Extra heavy weights were dearer.

The 2 score processing lambs to 18kg sold from $26 to $77/head. Trade lambs 22 to 24kg sold from $85 to $108/head averaging around 400c, including the secondary lambs with the best of the lambs upto 460c/kg. Heavy weights to 26kg cwt ranged from $91 to $110 and the 26 to 30kg lambs $104 to $134/head or 425c/kg on average. An outstanding run of extra heavy lambs sold from $152 to $158/head averaging 460c/kg cwt. Light Merino lambs sold from $23 to $46/head. best priced hogget reached $80/head.

Mutton numbers lifted and the quality was again mixed. Prices eased $5 on the light mutton and $10 to $15 on the heavy weights. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $66 to $74 and crossbreds reached $80/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 270 XB Lambs sold to a top of $158ph by Garry Apps, Duncombe & Co on behalf of Derneveagh Pastoral Co, Harden.
