Market Report – 9 November 2023

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding: 615

Numbers lifted this sale with agents yarding 671 head. Quality was mixed with a large percentage of feeder cattle penned and few finished types. There were some handy runs of well bred cattle offered along with the secondary types. The usual buyers were present and competing in a fairly similar market.

Vealer steers and heifers to restockers sold from 180c to 300c/kg. Yearling steers to feed sold from 144c to 200c/kg. Middleweight heifers to feed received from 120c to 163c/kg.

Heavy grown steers to processors sold from 180 to 195c/kg with grown heifers receiving from 148c to 200c/kg. An extra cow buyer saw prices jump with heavy 2 score selling from 154 to 176c and 3 score ranging from 162c to 200c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 8 Charolais Steers sold for 230.2c/kg, ave 297.5kg, $685ph by MD & JJ Anderson on behalf of Kandisti.
