Market Report – 28 June

Total Yarding: 874

Number lifted slightly and the quality improved with a good run of feeder steers and heifers. Weaners were better supplied, restocker and backgrounder buyers competing for the better lines. Grown steers were in very short supply and most of the grown heifers were lighter weights. Around 180 cows were offered and were in demand. The market was dearer.

Weaner steers lifted 16c and sold from 260c to 301c, while heifers made from 248c to 269c/kg. Trade vealers sold from 275c to 291c/kg. Light and medium weight feeder steers were 5c to 6c dearer to sell from 252c to 310c/kg. A more consistent run of heavy weight feeders were firm and sold from 262c to 310c/kg. Feeder heifers were 2c to 5c stronger and made from 244c to 275c/kg. Trade cattle were firm and made 275c to 285c/kg.

Grown steers reached 267c, while the heifers made 245c/kg. Cows were the big improver with the medium weight 2 score cows gaining 17c to sell from 145c to 189c/kg. Heavy 3 and 4 score cows were 25c to 30c dearer and made from 184c to 238c, while the prime heavy weight 4 scores averaged 221c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Kerry and Aaron Leighton, Grabben Gullen topped the cow market today with MD & JJ Anderson selling 7 Angus x Cows for 238.2c/kg, av 723.1kg, $1722.48ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 28 June 2018.
