Market Report – 21 May 2020

Total Yarding:  655

Numbers were steady and the quality was mixed. There were only a few weaners and the yearling run was ordinary in quality. Feeders were limited in selection and restocking orders picked up the majority. Prime heavy trade cattle also were in short supply but there was a good run of heavy bullocks. Around 250 cows were offered in a dearer market.

Light weaner steers sold from 420c to 496c and heavier weights made from 380c to 430c/kg. Weaner heifers made from 370c to 421c/kg. The limited number of feeder steers sold from 380c to 430c and re-stockers paid from 374c to 402c/kg. Feeder heifers sold from 368c to 380c while heavy trade steers sold from 380c to 404c/kg. Trade heifers reached 375c/kg.

Grown steers and bullocks were firm, making from 325c to 365c/kg and grown heifers sold from 300c to 375c/kg. Cows were up to 10c stronger with the medium weight 2 scores making from 265c to 281c and the 3 and 4 score heavy weights selling from 278c to 305c, averaging 298c/kg. Best of the heavy bulls reached 319c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Nutrien Livestock sold 11 Hereford Bullocks for 322 c/kg, ave 748.2 kg, $2409 ph on behalf of R. Temple, Nerriga.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 21 May 2020.
