Market Report – 19 October 2022

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 13,606

Lamb numbers lifted and the quality was only fair with a lot of the lambs lacking finish. There were 4700 new season lambs and included a lot of lighter store lambs. Trade weights were betters supplied and heavy weights back in numbers. Old lambs quality was very mixed. The market sold to a cheaper trend falling $15 to $16/head on the new season lambs with quality the main contributor.

New season lambs back to the paddock sold from $70 to $144/head. The trade weights 20 to 24kg were $15 cheaper on average ranging from $150 to $179/head averaging 780c/kg cwt. The 24 to 26kg lambs were $16 cheaper $180 to $198/head or 740c/kg cwt. The heavier weights $209 to $220/head.

Old 2 score processing lambs sold from $56 to $130/head. Trade weights to 24kg sold from $122 to $166/head averaging 680c/kg cwt Heavy weights to 30kg $167 to $210 and extra heavy lambs reached $216/head. Best priced hogget reached $169/head.

Mutton numbers were up and prices firm to $3 cheaper. Medium and heavy mutton were well supplied. Medium weights sold from $78 to $130 and heavy crossbred ewes $138 to $155/head. Heavy Merino ewes reached $138 and wethers $147/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 231 XB Suckers sold to a top of $220ph by MD & JJ Anderson on behalf of M&C Selmes, Pejar.
