Market Report – 22 May 2024

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 14,716

Lamb numbers lifted and the quality was similar with a limited supply of prime trade weights and heavy lambs. There were plenty of light and unfinished trade lambs penned. There were a couple of extra buyers after the light and secondary lambs to either feed or put on crop. The market sold to dearer trends.

Light lambs to restock were $20 to $25/head with crossbred lambs selling from $82 to $125 and trade weights to feed reached $156/head. Light Merinos sold to $66/head. Trade lambs were $6 to $9 dearer selling from $136 to $169/head for the better lambs and averaged 670c to 700c/kg. Heavy weight to 26kg sold from $158 to $177/head or 665c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs reached $185/head. Heavy hoggets were $3 cheaper topping at $133/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality varied. Prices were firm on the light and medium weights and eased $4 to $6 on the heavy mutton. Medium weight ewes sold from $57 to $98 and heavy crossbreds reached $105/head. Heavy Merino wethers reached $123/head. Most sold in the range of 270c to 330c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 152 Merino Wethers sold for $119ph by Kevin Miller Whitty Lennon & Co on behalf of R & K Hinds.
