Market Report – 1 May 2024

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 13,557

An increase in lamb numbers and an improvement in the quality of lambs was the main driver of the stronger market. There were still good numbers of store and 2 score trade lambs but there was a better run of finished trades and heavy weights. There was an extra order buying second cross feeder lambs and most of the usual buyers were operating.

The score processing lambs were $8 dearer selling from $73 to $124/head. The trade lambs sold from $131 to $168/head averaging 680c to 710c/kg for the better end while plainer covered trade lambs averaged close to 650c/kg. Lambs 24 to 26kg were $6 stronger ranging from $170 to $185 and heavy lambs to 30kg were up to $10 stronger selling between $195 and $209/head. Extra heavy lambs sold from $209 to a top of $225/head. Very heavy hoggets reached $140/head.

Mutton numbers lifted and the quality was again very mixed. Prices were firm to $6 dearer on the light and medium weights with the dearer mutton, Merino ewes with a jacket. Heavy mutton lifted $11 to $16/head with extra competition operating. Crossbreds reached $144 and the best for Merinos was $98/head. The better covered lined ranged from 270c to 300c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download the full market report.

Photo: 17 XB Lambs sold for $225ph by Nutrien Livestock on behalf of A & H Chapman.
