Market Report – 10 August 2023

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding: 405

Numbers eased and there was a good mixed of age and quality through the smaller offering. There was not the lines of cattle of the previous week and some of the usual buyers were not operating. Most of the young cattle went to either feed or restocking orders. The market eased 30c to 40c across most categories.

Weaner steers back to the paddock sold from 200c to 285c and heifers 175c to 200c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers 300c to 335c and the heavy weights 259c to 320c/kg. Feeder heifers, medium and heavy weights 220c to 250c/kg. Heavy trade steers reached 260c/kg.

Heavy 2 tooth steers to feed on reached 270c, grown steers to process 220c to 240c/kg. Grown heifers sold from 170c to 220c/kg. The medium weight 2 score cows sold from 120c to 195c with restockers pushing the higher price. Heavy 3 and 4 score cows 190c to 230c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 7 Angus Steers sold for 280c/kg, ave 483.6kg, $1354ph by Michael Hall Livestock on behalf of W Walsh.
