Market Report – 10 November 2021

Total Yarding: 12,523

Lamb numbers eased and new season lamb numbers dropped to 5,750. The quality was mixed with some very good trade and heavy lambs, big drafts of store lambs and extra heavy weights remain in limited numbers. Some of the new season lambs lack bloom. There was a small run of old lambs and Merinos. The market trend was dearer by $8 to $10/head on average.

The store lambs sold from $100 to $163 and heavier weights to feed on reached $183/head. Medium and heavy trade weights to 24kg ranged from $184 to $218/head and averaged 850c to 880c/kg cwt. The 24 to 26kg cwt lambs made from $220 to $228/head or 845c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs sold from $230 to $273/head.

Old trade lambs were very limited and sold from $172 to $206 and heavy weights from $220 to $234/head. Extra heavy lambs made $265/head. Merino hoggets sold between $182 to $223/head.

Mutton numbers also slipped and the quality improved slightly with mostly medium and heavy sheep penned. Prices improved as numbers tightened and lifted $20 to $25/head. Medium weight ewes sold from $128 to $165/head. Heavy crossbred ewes made from $176 to $220 and Merinos reached $210/head for lighter sheep with a long skin. Wethers reached $237/head.

Photo: A Attard, #Cootamundra sold 70 XB Suckers with Delta Livestock for $273 ph.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. CLICK HERE to download full market report.
