Market Report – 13 May 2021

Total Yarding: 828

Numbers jumped and the quality was good with plenty of well finished yearlings. There were good runs of medium and heavy feeders and an increase in bullock numbers. There were a few weaners and around 150 cows were penned. Despite the quality, most went to either feeder or restocking orders.

Weaner steers softened selling between 496c and 556c/kg and the heifers were dearer reaching 586c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers were 10c dearer selling from 455c to 470c and same weights to restocking orders lifted 20c to 440c to 516c/kg. Heavy feeder steers were firm with only breed variances selling from 406c to 496c/kg. Medium weight feeder heifers were 20c dearer at 440c to 490c/kg and heavy weights reached 460c/kg. There were too few trade cattle to quote.

Grown steers were firm reaching 390c and bullocks lifted 10c, 350c to 400c/kg. The best prices heavy grown heifer reached 375c/kg. Medium weight cows were firm at 240c to 309c/kg and heavy weights were 7c stronger ranging from 278c to 320c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Carol & Malcolm Perrin, ‘The Racecourse’ Monteagle sold 16 Angus Heifers with Butt Livestock & Property for 500.2c/kg, av 373.8kg, $1869.5ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle – 13 May 2021.
