Market Report – 12 May 2021

Total Yarding: 8,985

Lamb numbers lifted and the quality was good. Trade weighted lambs were well supplied and restockers were after this weight lambs to go back onto crops. There was a good run of heavy weights and a few extra heavy lambs. Secondary lambs were scattered throughout the yarding and these lambs sold to cheaper values, the majority of the lambs sold to a dearer trend.

Light restocking lambs sold from $115 to $145/head and the trade weights returning to the paddock reached $197/head. Heavy trade lambs were $4 daerer selling from $186 to $199/head averaging 770c to 790c/kg cwt and did sell upto 820c/kg. The 24 to 26kg cwt lambs gained $3 and ranged from $185 to $204/head averaging 765c/kg. 26 to 30kg lambs $197 to $215 and those over 30kg cwt reached $262/head. Merino lambs reached $209/head.

Mutton numbers lifted and quality varied. Prices lifted $2 to $6/head. Medium weights $141 to $176/head. Heavy crossbred ewes $200 to $226/head. Restockers paid to $255/head for mixed aged ewes. Merinos reached $214/head. Most averaged 620c to 650c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Greg Anderson, MD & JJ Anderson sold 83 XB Lambs on behalf of R&B Reynolds, Crookwell for $262.2ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb – 12 May 2021.
