Market Report – 15 December 2021

Total Yarding: 26,429

The last sale of 2021 was the largest of the year. There were fewer lambs and a big increase in mutton. Lamb quality still remains mixed with lines of store lambs and trade weights lacking finish alongside new season lambs still showing some freshness and some very good shorn lambs. There was a large consignment of Merino lambs and hoggets. All the usual buyers were operating and there was a strong restocking gallery. The market trend was dearer.

New season store lambs were $10 to $12 dearer selling from $70 to $188/head. Trade weights to 24kg cwt were $5 dearer $170 to $221/head averaging 825c/kg cwt. The 24 to 26kg lambs $184 to $228/head, heavy weights $218 to $253/head.
Shorn trade lambs sold from $186 to $214 and heavy weights $216 to $225/head averaging 825c/kg cwt. Extra heavy lambs $220 to $234/head. Merino lambs reached $187 averaging 780c/kg and Merino hoggets topped at $178/head.

Mutton numbers increased and the quality was mixed in the larger offering. Merinos were well supplied there wasn’t the weight in the crossbred ewes. The market sold to a much cheaper trend of $20 to $25/head. 1 score ewes sold from $57 to $76/head. Medium weights $103 to $158/head and heavy crossbred ewes $161 to $218/head and Merinos reached $192/head. Best of the heavy wethers reached $220/head.

Photo: Isaac & Sally, Butt Livestock, sold 26 XB Suckers on behalf of Willowview Partnership, Yass for $218ph.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.
