Market Report – 15 September 2021

Total Yarding: 9178

Lamb numbers lifted and there were 2,600 new season lambs penned. The quality of the new season lambs was good with lambs estimated to weigh 20 to 24kg making up the bulk. Old lambs quality was very mixed and there was a bigger run of lighter plain Merino lambs which went back to the paddock. The market trend was cheaper.

New season trade lambs were $2 to $8 cheaper, selling from $201 to $227/head and averaging 950c to 980c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs were $6 to $10 cheaper and made from $238 to $250 and extra heavy lambs reached $275/head and averaged 940c/kg cwt.

Old trade weights sold from $188 to $236/head and averaged 890c to 920c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs sold from $223 to $270 and extra heavy lambs reached $296/head. Light restocking Merino lambs ranged from $140 to $164/head. The best priced heavy Merino lamb reached $245/head. Heavy hoggets topped at $280/head.

Mutton numbers lifted in a yarding that consisted mostly of medium and heavy crossbred ewes and a mixed run of Merino wethers. Prices were dearer with heavy crossbred ewes making from $173 to $255 and Merino wethers ranging from $183 to $226/head.

Photo: Tim, MD & JJ Anderson sold a total of 482 XB Suckers on behalf of M&C Selmes, Narrawa to a top of $275 ph.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download the full SELX Market Report.
