Market Report – 16 January 2019

Total Yarding: 23,452

Lamb numbers were back and the quality was good with improved numbers of trade and heavy lambs. Light lambs suitable to restock were back in numbers and were slightly heavier on average. There was a small run of Merino lambs. All the usual buyers were operating in a cheaper market.

The few new season lambs to restock were $12 cheaper selling from $80 to $123/head. The 2 score processing lambs were $15 cheaper ranging from $78 to $106/head. Medium and heavy trade weights eased $8 to $12 selling from $105 to $146/head. Heavy lambs made from $154 to $178/head. Carcase prices averaged from 600c to 650c/kg cwt for the processing lambs. Hoggets reached $146/head.

Mutton numbers were also back and the quality was again mixed, with the majority of the sheep light and medium weights. Prices eased $12 to $15/head. Light ewes sold from $26 to $58/head. Medium weights sold from $70 to $101/head. Heavy crossbreds reached $136 and Merinos $131/head. Carcase prices averaged 320c to 375c/kg on most.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: G&S Storrier topped today’s market with a total of 132 XB Suckers sold by Duncombe & Co to a top of $178ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Lamb & Sheep sale – 16 January 2019.
