Market Report – 17 January 2019

Total Yarding: 1,156

Numbers lifted and the quality was mixed. There were plenty of light 1 and 2 score yearlings and there was a very good run of medium weight feeder steers. Grown steers were limited and a little plainer in quality. Around 260 cows were offered in a cheaper market.

Weaner steers to restock sold to 295c and heifers 253c/kg. Feeder steers eased 5c to 7c with the medium weights selling from 240c to 288c and heavy weights 230c to 268c/kg. Heifers to feed were back 13c on the medium weights selling from 222c to 266c and the light feeders averaged 233c/kg. The only yearlings to the trade were heavy heifers and received 255c to 265c/kg.

Grown steers were 20c cheaper 230c to 260c/kg. Grown heifers averaged 8c to 12c cheaper reaching 220c/kg. Most cows were 20c back with the exception of the best of the heavy cows which lost 12c/kg. The 2 score cows sold from 148c to 172c and the heavy 3 and 4 scores 166c to 205c averaging 195c/kg on the heavy 4 score cows.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Jim Hindmarsh & Co selling a total of 13 Angus x Heifers on behalf of Round Flat Partnership, Braidwood to a top of 266.2c/kg, av 394.2kg, $1049.27ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 17 January 2019.
