Market Report – 17 May 2023

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 7,279

Lamb numbers eased and the quality improved with fewer secondary light lambs. There were reasonable numbers of trade weights and only a few heavy and extra heavy lambs. Store were back in volume. The market sold to a dearer trend mostly quality driven. There was very little restocker activity.

The 2 score processing lambs to 18kg sold mostly from $60 to $115/head. Medium and heavy trade lambs lifted $7 to $8/head with the 22 to 24kg lambs $138 to $158/head and 24 to 26kg $161 to $165/head. Most were averaging 630c to 660c/kg. heavy lambs sold from $167 to $183 and extra heavy weights reached $208/head. Very heavy hoggets sold to $180/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality also improved most with fewer 1 score ewes offered. Prices lifted $5 to $10 on the medium weights and $15 to $20/head on heavy weights. Medium weight ewes $61 to $114/head heavy crossbred ewes $123 to $144/head and Merino wethers reached $127/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 40 XB Lambs sold to a top of $149ph by Butt Livestock on behalf of L&M Jones, Yass.
