Market Report – 18 November 2020

Total Yarding: 26,844

Lamb numbers jumped and there were 18,300 new season lambs penned. The quality was good but there was a percentage of lambs starting to dry off in the skin. Trade and heavy lambs were well supplied and there was an increase in light store lamb numbers. Old lambs were limited and Merino lambs were in short supply. The market sold to a mixed trend.

Light restocking lambs sold from $122 to $164/head. Heavier weights to be shorn and fed reached $184/head. Medium and heavy trade weights were $4 dearer and sold from $156 to $175/head averaging 780c to 800c/kg cwt. Heavy new season lambs sold from $164 to $186 or 710c to 730c/kg cwt on average to slip by $4 to $6/head. Extra heavy weights reached $243/head. The few old trade lambs made from $158 to $178/head averaging 760c/kg cwt. Heavy and extra heavy weights sold from $195 to $238/head. Merino trade lambs made from $110 to $174/head.

Mutton numbers lifted by 2,000 head and the quality was a little mixed. Competition remains strong, although prices eased by $10/head on the ewes due to increased supply. Medium weight ewes sold from $138 to $174/head. Heavy crossbred ewes were making from $202 to 232 as the Merinos reached a top of $210/head. Merino wethers lifted by $5 on the heavy weights to reach a top of $208/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Bailey Anderson, MD & JJ Anderson sold 66 XB Suckers on behalf of WP Cummins for $235ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb sale – 18 November 2020.
