Market Report – 2 August

Total Yarding: 898

Overall numbers lifted and the quality continued to be plain. Light cattle comprised the majority of the offering and there were only a few young cattle with enough cover for the trade. Approximately 250 cows were offered, along with a few open auction calves and cow and calf units. Overall, the market was cheaper.

Restocking weaners eased 20c, making from 100c to 240c/kg. The heifer portion decreased 30c, receiving from 100c to 210c/kg. Heavy trade vealers sold up to 269c/kg. Yearlings to feed were in short supply and the medium weight steers eased 20c, while heavy weights increased 10c and sold from 225c to 276c/kg. Heifers to feed sold to solid competition, with a better selection of cattle compared to the steers, making from 220c and 275c/kg. Trade cattle sold 20c cheaper, receiving from 225c to 255c/kg.

Grown steers sold from 245c to 265c/kg. Grown heifers sold dearer from a low base price to reach 229c/kg. The medium weight 2 score cows decreased 25c, making from 120c to 164c/kg. The heavy 3 and 4 scores made 13c to 17c dearer, or 160c to 208c, with prime heavy weights averaging 194c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Duncombe & Co selling 15 Angus x Steers on behalf of MH & AM McDonald, Crookwell for 283.6c/kg, av 488.7kg, $1385.86ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 2 August 2018.
