Market Report – 2 June 2022

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding: 267

Number fell due to weather conditions and the quality was mixed in both breed and condition. There were only limited numbers in all categories and young trade cattle were limited. There were a few very heavy bullocks and around 80 cows. The market sold to a cheaper trend with some buyers not operating.

Weaner steers sold to 594c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers eased 10c reaching 600c/kg and heavy weights ranged between 486c and 510c/kg. Feeder heifers were firm on a very limited supply selling from 480c to 540c/kg. The few trade cattle sold from 520c to 550c/kg.

Grown steers to 600kg sold from 440c to 470c and the very heavy bullocks reached 420c/kg. The best of the grown heifers reached 480c/kg. Cows were firm with medium weights 310c to 338c/kg. Heavy 4 score cows 330c to 358c and a run of heavy leaner PTIC cows to process reached 378c/kg.

Photo: 8 Angus Cows sold for 379.2c/kg, ave 643.1kg, $2439ph by Nutrien Livestock on behalf of A&G Geikie.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download the full market report.
