Market Report – 21 October 2021

Total Yarding: 553

Numbers lifted and the quality improved with more well finished trade and export cattle. Feeders were still well supplied but there was only a few vealers and weaners offered. A small and heavy run of grown steers and bullocks were offered and grown heifers were in reasonable numbers for the heavy export market. Around 80 cows were penned in a variable market.

Restockers were stronger on the few weaners with steers 650c to 688c and heifers reached 640c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers lifted 20c despite a lot of breed variance and ranged from 530c to 631c, heavy weights were firm 451c to 599c/kg. Trade cattle sold to similar rates with the heavy steers 482c to 586c/kg for steers mid 400kg. Heifers ranged from 467c to 570c/kg.

Grown steers and bullocks gained 10c and sold from 420c to 478c/kg, heavy grown heifers 425c to 498c/kg. There was a cows and prices dropped 20c and ranged from 365c to 390c/kg.

Photo: Greg Anderson, MD & JJ Anderson, sold 5 Angus Cows & Calves for $4200 ph on behalf of M&K Gregory, Bigga.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. CLICK HERE to download full market report.
