Market Report – 23 February

Total Yarding: 952

There was a good run of weaner steers and heifers with most being light and medium weights. There was only a few yearling heifers and close to 200 PTIC cows and heifers. Cow and calf units were well supplied but quality was mixed. Weaners sold firm to dearer while the cow and calf units were cheaper.

Light weaner steers sold from $525 to $760/head to average 400c to 425c/kg for those under 200kg. Medium weight weaners which were best supplied sold from $680 to $950/head to average from 330c to 345c/kg. The medium weight weaner heifers sold from $595 to $780 and heavy weights reached $820/head. Most averaged between 280c and 290c/kg. Heavy yearling heifers reached $980/head.

3 and a half year old PTIC Angus cows sold to $1,600/head. Cows and calf units topped at $1,750 with most sales from $1,300 to $1,500/head. PTIC cows with calf at foot sold to $1,820/unit.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: CHAMPION PRESENTED PEN OF STEERS – Greg Anderson (MD & JJ Anderson) with Peter Keary (Owner) and Barry Goesch (Manager) ‘Bedemere’, Pejar. This Champion pen of 28 Angus x Steers, 6mo, yard weaned, Rennylea blood sold for $950ph.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Store Cattle sale – 23 February 2018.
