Market Report – 23 June 2022

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding: 570

Numbers were similar and the quality varied. Yearling steers were best supplied and there were several larger runs of steers that suited feeders. Yearling heifers were very limited. Only reasonable numbers of prime yearlings and grown steers were offered. Around 100 cows were penned in a market that sold to a dearer trend with the exception of the yearling heifers.

Light weaner steers reached 638c/kg and feeder steers were upto 20c dearer mostly in the larger runs, medium weights sold to 637c and heavy weights 503c to 570c/kg. The limited supply of heifers were cheaper and sold between 450c and 490c for heifers to feed on. Trade cattle lifted 15c with steers selling from 470c to 572c/kg.

Prime grown steers gained 10c with most selling from 465c to 477c/kg. Cows were also gained 8c to 10c with the heavy 3 and 4 score cows 312c to 345c/kg. Medium weights ranged from 270c to 336c/kg for the better 2 and 3 score cows.

Photo: 14 Angus Steers sold for 637.2c/kg, ave 366.8kg, $2337ph by Elders on behalf of P Cardile.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. CLICK HERE to download full market report.
