Market Report – 24 January 2024

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 14,678

Lamb numbers eased slightly and the quality was plainer. Light lambs and trade weights were best supplied and heavy and extra heavy weights were very limited. Late drop woolly lambs made up the bulk of the lighter store lambs while shorn trade weights were some of the dearest lambs yarded. Not all the usual buyers were operating and despite the quality drop the market sold to dearer trends lifting between $5 to $10/head across most lambs.

Restocking lambs sold to $131/head upto 18kg cwt while trade weighted lambs reached $143/head. Trade lambs 20 to 22kg sold from $134 to $164 and the 22 to 24kg lambs sold from $156 to $174 and lambs to 26kg cwt, $168 to $189/head and averaged between 680c and 710c/kg with some of the longer skinned lambs discounted. Heavy weights to 30kg sold from $186 to $210 and extra heavies reached $214/head. Hoggets gained $3 to $5/head and reached $159/head.

Mutton numbers fell and the quality was again mixed with all weights and condition offered. Prices were $2 to $5 dearer. Light ewes sold from $45 to $62 and heavy Merinos reached $118/head. Heavy crossbred ewes made to $110/head. Most averaged 320c to 350c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download the full market report.

Photo: 32 XB Lambs sold for $219ph by Duncombe & Co on behalf of Derneveagh Pastoral Co.

