Market Report – 24 November 2021

Total Yarding: 19,971

Lamb numbers increased and most were new season lambs. There were big runs of store lambs which made up the increase in numbers. Trade and heavy lambs were well supplied and there were limited numbers of good shorn new season lambs. The market sold to a cheaper trend with the driving force the increase in drier lambs which sold cheaper while the better end of the lambs lifted $4 to $5/head.

Restocking lambs to 20kg cwt sold from $146 to $171/head. New season 20 to 24kg trade weights sold from $173 to $225/head with the drier lambs averaging 780c to 800c and the top end averaging 860c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs weighing 24 to 26kg made from $205 to $237 and the extra heavy weights ranged from $230 to $269/head or 820c to 845c/kg cwt on average. The limited number of shorn trades sold from $167 to $199/head or 820c/kg cwt. Heavy and extra heavy shorn lambs $215 to $269/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality was good with prices firm to $4/head dearer. Medium weight ewes sold from $111 to $171/head. Heavy crossbred ewes ranged from $190 to $254 and Merinos from $156 to $200/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. CLICK HERE to download full market report.
