Market Report – 25 May

Numbers were steady and the quality was fair to good. Yearlings increased in numbers but feeders were active on most. Trade cattle were limited due to quality and price. There was a large number of heavier yearlings penned. Grown steers were better supplied and in better condition and there was a reduction in cow numbers.

Light restocking vealers were cheaper reaching 394c/kg. Feeder steers gained 4c to 7c/kg on average with an improved run of medium and heavy weights. Prices ranged from 315c to 360c/kg. Feeder heifers were 1c to 5c/kg dearer with the heavier weights getting the biggest gains. Prices ranged from 300c to 342c/kg. Trade cattle were very limited and were a few cents cheaper ranging from 300c to 312c/kg for the heavy weights.

Grown steers were similar on age and breed receiving 270c to 319c/kg. Light grown heifers to restockers were 10c stronger with more weight was offered. Cows to processors were 2c to 3c cheaper with the 2 score medium weights making 188c to 234c and heavy 3 and 4 scores trading from 222c to 250c, to average 240c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 25 May 2017.

Photo: Cameron Rosser & David Corcoran, Delta Agribusiness sold Angus x Heifers on behalf of Lerida Pastoral, Gunning to a top of 339c/kg, av 436.3kg, $1478.89ph.
