Market Report – 26 July

Total Yarding: 780

Cattle numbers increased and again quality was mostly plain, reflecting seasonal conditions. Plain young cattle were best supplied, along with a small but good run of medium weight feeders. Prime trade cattle were very limited, as were grown steers. Cows nearly made up half the yarding and quality was plainer.

Weaner steers sold 20c cheaper, receiving from 130c to 258c/kg. Plain light heifers eased 40c, making from 80c to 215c/kg. The best going to feed reached a top price of 225c/kg. Medium weight feeder yearling steers were 14c dearer, reaching 305c/kg. Heavy weights lost 6c and sold between 256c to 296c/kg. The better end of the feeder heifers held firm, but breed and quality lessened the average by 15c, making from 215c to 282c, while restockers paid up to 297c/kg.

Grown heifers to process sold from 165c to 210c and the younger heifers to feed reached a top of 254c/kg. Cows eased around 30c, with 2 score cows receiving from 130c to 195c/kg. Heavy weight and 4 score cows sold from 185c to 214c, averaging 206c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: McColl Pastoral, Binalong topped today’s market with 9 Angus Steers sold by Agstock for 305c/kg, av 344.4kg, $1050.56ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 26 July 2018.
