Total Yarding: 676
Numbers were back for only a small offering of weaners and cow and calf units. PTIC cows were in reasonable numbers but most were in 1 and 2 score condition.
Angus weaners were best supplied and lightweights under 200kg sold from $400 to $500/head. Over 200kg medium weights sold from $500 to $785/head or 250c to 270c/kg. Light weaner heifers made from $240 to $360/head. Medium weights $400 to $750/head or 200c to 225c/kg on average. The few yearling steers sold to $820/head.
PTIC cows sold to $920/head. Cow and calf units made from $970 to a top of $1220/unit for Simmental-Angus cross cows with an Angus cross calf at foot.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.
Photo: Grant Bloodstock topped today’s market with 4 Simmental Cows & Calves sold by Jim Hindmarsh & Co for $1220ph.
CLICK HERE to download the full SELX Market Report – Store Cattle Sale – 27 April 2018.