Total Yarding: 18,719
Lamb numbers increased with a rise in store lambs. New season lambs made up the majority with 10,000 penned, however quality is slipping as more grown to wool. There were good numbers of trade and heavy lambs with extra heavy weights in short supply. The market eased $18 to $22/head across all lambs.
New season store lambs sold from $114 to $164 and heavier weights to feeder orders reached $193/head. The trade weights to 24kg cwt sold from $165 to $214/head with the better lambs averaging 850c/kg cwt. Heavy 24 to 26kg lambs made from $205 to $221 and those over 26kg made from $226 to $271/head.
Old trade lambs sold from $165 to $196/head averaging 760c to 800c/kg. Heavy lambs ranged from $177 to $254 and extra heavy weights topped at $280/head.
Mutton numbers eased and all weights and grades were offered. Prices also eased $15 to $20/head. Medium weight ewes sold from $132 to $164 and heavy Merinos from $253 to $194/head. Heavy crossbred ewes returned $186 to $255/head.
Photo: T Jenner, Murringo, sold 122 XB Suckers with Kevin Miller, Whitty, Lennon & Co (KMWL) to a top of $237 ph.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. CLICK HERE to download full market report.