Market Report – 28 October 2021

Total Yarding: 691

Numbers lifted and the quality was mixed. There were a few weaners and a good run of feeder steers. Restockers were strong on the heifers and heavy trade cattle were limited. Grown steers and bullocks were back in volume and there were more light grown heifers. Around 100 cows, mostly heavy weights penned. The market sold to mixed trends.

Light weaner steers were dearer and sold from 650c to 740c and heifers reached 810c/kg for just over 200kg. Medium weight feeder steers were 20c dearer selling from 576c to 656c but heavy feeders were firm to slightly cheaper with more weight purchased and ranged from 460c to 530c/kg. Restocker paid more for medium weight heifers and feeders held off with most of the heifers sold from 500c to 558c/kg. Heavy trade steers lost 20c selling from 462c to 555c and the best priced heifer reached 508c/kg.

Grown steers and bullocks were firm to 2c cheaper 455c to 475c and heavy heifers were cheaper selling between 440c and 480c/kg. Most cows were heavy 3 and 4 score and were 3c to 9c cheaper on average and sold from 360c to 400c/kg.

Photo: AgStock sold 16 Angus Heifers for 548.2c/kg, ave 420.6kg, $2306ph on behalf of P. West, Harden.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. CLICK HERE to download full market report.
