Market Report – 28 May 2020

Total Yarding: 471

Numbers declined and the quality of the young cattle continues to be good, while the grown 2 and 4 tooth cattle quality is easing. Prime grown steers were very limited and there was a good line up of heavy cows. Restockers were again the major buyers of cattle pushing prices higher.

Weaner steers sold from 448c to 466c, lifting 15c/kg. Weaner heifers sold to 415c/kg on a limited supply. Yearling steers lifted 15c to 20c with restocking orders paying from 390c to 433c/kg. Feeders made from 372c to 410c and processors sold from 375c to 420c/kg. Light and medium weight heifers were 6c stronger, making from 372c to 408c/kg.

Grown steers to restock and feed sold from 300c to 372c/kg. Very heavy bullocks to process sold to 325c/kg. Grown heifers to process lifted 10c selling from 276c to 368c/kg for prime 2 tooths. Restocking cows lifted 10c to 15c selling from 280c to 306c/kg for cows that had been running with a bull. Heavy cows were 6c to 8c dearer selling from 272c to 310c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Trucost P/L, Nanima sold 8 Charolais Steers with AgStock for 432.2c/kg, av 405.6kg, $1753.11ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 28 May 2020.
