Market Report – 6 September 2023

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 5466

Lamb numbers eased and the quality was again mixed. There were several pens of well finished heavy and extra heavy lambs. Trade weights had the biggest variation in condition and quality and there were plenty of secondary lambs that were lacking cover. Not all the usual buyers were operating but there was a local butcher operating and the market lifted on the better shaped lambs with weight., secondary light lambs were cheaper.

There were only a few new season lambs with heavy trades reaching $130 and heavy lambs $145/head averaging between 480c and 520c/kg.

Old 2 score processing lambs to 18kg cwt sold from $21 to $77/head. Trade weights lifted $10 to $15/head on the better lambs and the 20 to 22kg cwt sold from $66 to $96 and the 22 to 24kg $80 to $106/head. Heavy old lambs 24 to 26kg ranged from $126 to $136 and the 26 to 30kg reached $149/head. The better lambs with shape and yield averaged 470c to 490c/kg cwt. The best of the Hoggets reached $58/head and were slightly easier on less weight.

Mutton numbers were back and the quality fair. Prices back around $10/head. Light ewes sold upto $15/head. Medium weights $14 to $35 and heavy crossbred ewes topped at $35. Merino wethers reached $40/head. Most 100c to 150c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download the full market report.

Photo: 139 XB Suckers sold to a top of $145ph by Duncombe & Co on behalf of Derneveagh Pastoral Co, Harden.
