Market Report – 7 September 2023

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding: 421

Numbers doubled and the quality was fair to good. There were lines of weaners that sold to restocking orders. A limited supply of light yearlings and medium weight feeders, competition was weak on these cattle. Trade cattle were in reasonable numbers and there were good runs of finished grown steers and heifers and heavy cows. The market sold to stronger trends on the heavier and finished cattle while the light cattle firm to slightly cheaper.

Medium weight weaner steers reached 301c and heifers solod from 200c to 258c/kg. Medium and heavy feeder steers lifted 10c selling from 235c to 260c and the heifers were firm 180c to 220c/kg. Heavy trade steers and heifers sold from 240c to 270c/kg.

The grown steers and bullocks to process lifted 25c with a larger supply and ranged from 255c to 266c/kg. Grown heifers lifted 20c and ranged between 226c and 255c/kg. Cows gained around 25c on average and the medium weight 2 score cows averaged 170c and the heavy 3 and 4 score sold from 190c to 236c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 19 Angus Steers sold for 301c/kg, ave 249.5kg, $751ph by Butt Livestock on behalf of Longaroo Pastoral Co, Yass.

