Market Report – 8 July 2020

Total Yarding: 4,117

Lamb numbers halved and the quality was again good with most lambs coming off crops. Light weights were very limited and the majority of lambs fell into the heavy and extra heavy categories. There was a small offering of Merino lambs again showing plenty of weight and just a few pens of new season lambs. The market sold to a cheaper trend.

New season trade lambs reached $188 and heavier weights made to $189/head. The 2 score processing old lambs were $6 cheaper selling from $119 to $155/head. Medium and heavy trade lambs to 22kg were $12 to $15 cheaper and sold from $158 to $179/head and averaged 750c to 780c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs were $9 to $12 cheaper selling between $160 and $187 averaging 700c to 740c/kg cwt and extra heavy lambs $180 to $240/head. Heavy Merino lambs sold from $153 to $182/head or 650c to 675c/kg cwt on average. Heavy hoggets reached $197/head.

Mutton numbers were very limited and the quality was mixed. Prices were firm on the lighter sheep while heavy crossbred ewes were up to $20/head cheaper. Medium weight ewes sold from $133 to $158/head. Heavy crossbred ewes $178 to $210 and Merinos reached $180/head. Merino wethers topped at $182/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Isaac Manion, Butt Livestock & Property sold 31 XB Lambs on behalf of P&C Dingwall, Young for $191ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep and Lamb sale – 8 July 2020.
