Market Report – 8 March

Lamb numbers eased and the quality slipped. Light store lambs were limited in numbers. Light and medium weight trades were well supplied with restockers after the secondary lambs. Heavy lambs were in short supply. Most of the usual buyers were active and there was a few restockers purchasing young crossbred ewes. The market was stronger.

Light store lambs were $9 dearer and sold from $60 to $111 to average $102/head. Light trade lambs averaged $117/head or 655c/kg. The medium and heavy trade weights were $4 to $8 dearer and ranged from $117 to $139/head.

Heavy lambs were $9 to $10 stronger and sold between $145 and $164/head. Carcass prices ranged between 580c and 620c/kg. The best of the hoggets reached $143/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality mostly plain with light and medium 1 and 2 score Merino ewes penned. There were a few good heavy weights but they were limited. Prices lifted $5 to $8/head. Medium weight ewes sold from $71 to $118.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb – 8 March 2017.

Photo: Daniel Croker, Landmark Goulburn, topped today’s sale with these XB Lambs on behalf of Twyzel P/C of Lake Bathurst, selling to a top of $165ph.
