Total Yarding: 557
Nearly 600 head were offered and the quality was plain reflecting the season. Weaners were well supplied and there was a run of young yearlings ranging from 11-13 months of age. Competition was soft and prices followed quality.
Weaners steers under 200kg made from $220 to $580/head. Medium weight Angus steers sold from $575 to $655/head. Weaner heifers sold from a low of $90 to a top of $490/head. Young yearling steers started at $310 to Angus steers which sold from $560 to $700/head. The top of the young heifers reached $565/head.
Cow and calf units were hard to move and the top prices pen reached $800/unit. The better end of the cow/calf run started at $650/unit.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.
Photo: BEST PRESENTED COWS – Garry Apps, Ray White Boorowa, sold 3 x 3 cows and calves on behalf of Weethalle Stud, Boorowa for $750/unit.
Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Store Cattle sale – 28 September 2018.